IEEE Magnetics Society Distinguished Lecturer講演会
特別(第37回)ナノマグネティクス専門研究会/IEEE Magnetics Society Distinguished Lecturer講演会をIEEE Magnetics Society Japan Chapterとの共催で開催致します。今回は、ドメイン構造・ナノ粒子磁化反転の研究で有名なミネソタ大のE. Dan Dahlberg教授をお招きし、活発な討論が展開されることを期待しています。皆様奮ってご参加下さいますようお願いします。またこれらのテーマに興味あるお知り合いがいらっしゃいましたら、本開催案内を連絡して頂けるようお願いします。参加費は無料です。
中央大学 駿河台記念館 (東京都千代田区神田駿河台3-11-5)
10:30 - 11:30
“MTJ-GMR Noise” and “Density of States Effects in MTJ”
Prof. E. Dan Dahlberg (School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota)
“Low frequency noise in magnetic tunnel junctions and GMR devices”
This is the most current published work and searches for magnetic noise in MTJs. Unlike several previous reports, we find no low frequency noise attributed to magnetic fluctuations in MTJs or in GMR devices. Instead we can replicate features in previous studies by magnetic creep (magnetic aftereffect).
“Looking for density of states effects in magnetic tunnel junctions”
Differential conductance of tunnel junctions should be sensitive to the density of states (DOS) of the materials but previous studies of MTJ reveal rather featureless DOS. By using Ni as one electrode we have been able to fit the differential conductance to the Ni DOS. This opens the door for many types of tunneling spectroscopy such as electron-magnon scattering.