Tri-axial magnetic alignment and magnetic anisotropy in paramagnetic layered oxides
containing rare-earth ions
今年度、京都先端科学大学において学位を取得された大阪大学のDr. Ali Walid Bin にご講演いただけることになりました。Dr. Walid には、学位論文の内容である酸化物超伝導体や熱電材料微結晶の変調回転磁場印加による2 軸・3 軸配向体作製についてご紹介いただく予定です。
- 共 催:
- 低温工学・超電導学会2024年度 第5回 時空間変調磁場の制御と応用に関する調査研究会、
応用物理学会 磁気科学研究会 - 日 時:
- 2025年3月25日(火)13:30~15:00
- 開催場所:
- ハイブリッド開催
現地会場:大阪大学 大学院工学研究科 A1棟111号室
(大阪府吹田市山田丘2-1) - 参加費:
- 無料
- 申し込み:
- 申込フォーム
*現地会場で参加申込受付は行いません。必ず参加登録をしてご参加ください。 - 世話人:
- 秋山庸子 (阪大) yoko-ak_at_see.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp
池添泰弘 (日工大) y.ikezoe_at_nit.ac.jp
諏訪雅頼 (阪大) msuwa_at_chem.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp
廣田憲之 (NIMS) hirota.noriyuki_at_nims.go.jp
- 13:30~15:00
- Tri-axial magnetic alignment and magnetic anisotropy in paramagnetic layered oxides
containing rare-earth ions○Ali Walid Bin (Osaka Univ.)
In this thesis, I investigate two paramagnetic layered oxides containing rare-earth (RE) ions, focusing on achieving bi- or triaxial magnetic alignment using magnetic alignment techniques. The first compound studied is the RE-based cuprate superconductor REBa2Cu3Oy (RE123), with the goal of producing superconducting tapes and wires through magnetic alignment. A linear drive type modulating rotating magnetic field (LDT-MRF) system, utilizing a 0.8 T permanent magnet array, was employed to achieve bi-axial alignment of DyBa2Cu3Oy (Dy123) grains. The study demonstrated an in-plane orientation degree of ~8.5° and a c-axis orientation degree of ~6.0°. This method offers a cost-effective alternative to epitaxial growth techniques. Additionally, the research explored a colloidal process to replace epoxy resins, aiming to enhance alignment efficiency and reduce material costs. The second compound investigated is misfit-layered cobaltites, specifically [Ca2CoO3- δ]0.62CoO2 (Ca349) and [Bi2Sr2O4]0.55CoO2 (BiSr222). Ethanol pulverization improved crystallinity and phase purity, while a 10 T superconducting solenoidal magnet enabled tri-axial alignment. Ca349 exhibited successful tri-axial alignment, whereas BiSr222 required further refinement. Doping with RE ions (Er, Dy) in Ca349 allowed control over tri-axial magnetic anisotropies, with bond lengths and coordination numbers playing a key role in defining magnetization axes. Insights from RE-based cuprate superconductors (REBCO) were used to develop guidelines for determining magnetization axes based on bond lengths and the Stevens factor (αJ). The study also introduced a methodology for predicting magnetic properties and fabricating triaxially aligned ceramics with high thermoelectric performance using magneto-science techniques. This work advances the understanding of magnetic alignment in complex layered oxides, offering potential applications in superconductivity and thermoelectric materials.