学会誌 第45巻6号(2021)

J.Magn.Soc.Jpn Vol.45 No.6 PDF版


Thin Films, Fine Particles, Multilayers, Superlattices

  • Influence of B Content on the Magnetostrictive Properties of Single-Crystalline, Poly-Crystalline, and Amorphous Fe-Co-B Alloy Films MSJ論文奨励賞
    ・・・・・・ Y. Nakamura, M. Ohtake, T. Kawai, M. Futamoto, F. Kirino, and N. Inaba
  • Magnetism and Astronomical Infrared Spectrum of Fullerene C60 and Void Induced Graphene Molecules ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ N. Ota, A. Li, L. Nemes, M. Otsuka


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