Volume 29, No. 10CONTENTS
J-Stage ID: jmsj2005
Guest Comment:
- Sign of the New Age and the Role of Science and Technology…S. Kimura
Review Articles on Geomagnetism, Earth and Space Sciences…N. Inaba, T. Sato, and S. Yamamoto
- Magnetic Field Properties Around the Earth…T. Obara
- Propagation Mechanism of Very Unusual Low-latitude Whistlers with Additional Traces of the Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide Propagation Effect…S. Shimakura
- Natural Remanent Magnetization of Chondrites and the Magnetic Field of the Protoplanets…M. Funaki
- Environmental Magnetic Noise and Magnetic Shielding IV
Magnetically Shielded Room for Biomagnetic Measurements No.3…K. Yamazaki, and K. Kobayashi
Notice Board
Magnetics Society of Japan
- President:H. Miyajima
- Vice President:N. Ota, K. Kobayashi
- Director, General Affairs:K. Ando, Y. Hoshi
- Director, Treasurer:K. Ohmori, Y. Suzuki
- Director, Planning:K. Watanabe, K. Takanashi
- Director, Editing:M. Futamoto, M. Yamaguchi
- Director, Public Information:S. Nakagawa
- Auditor:K. Tagami, H. Fukunaga