The 252nd Topical Symposium of the Magnetics Society of Japan / The 95th Technical Meeting on Spintronics

New Frontiers in Condensed Matter Physics Unveiled by Chimera Quasiparticles

Modern electronic devices are based on quasiparticles, which allow complex physical phenomena to be understood as the movement of a small number of quasiparticles. Examples of these include phonons and photons. Researchers can develop novel physical properties and functions by combining quasiparticles as “chimera quasiparticles” using techniques such as artificial structures and material design. This approach is expected to reveal novel physical phenomena and establish a foundation for developing highly functional devices. In this workshop, five researchers active in the field of “chimera quasiparticles” as lecturers will present and discuss their researches, covering topics from fundamental principles to practical applications. We look forward to your active participation.

January 29th (Wednesday), 2025 13:00 – 16:40
Onsite:Waim Ochanomizu, Room E(Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
Admission Fee(incl. PDF version of the materials.) :
Free (reserved readers and students)
3,000 Yen (members and cooperate members)
6,000 Yen (non-members)
2,000 Yen (members, cooperate members and students)
4,000 Yen (non-members)
Registration form
Payment method:
MUFG Bank, Jinbocho Branch 013-2259640
Paypal (Credit card)
Deadline:January 24th (Friday), 2025
* Only cash will be accepted at the venue. You will not receive a PDF version of the materials.

The Magnetic Society of Japan
Tel: 03-5281-0106/ E-mail:
Yoshichika Otani (Univ. of Tokyo), Teruo Ono (Kyoto Univ.), Hiromi Yuasa (Kyushu Univ.),
Keisuke Yamada (Gifu Univ.)


Chair: Teruo Ono (Kyoto. Univ.)
13:00 – 13:40
“Theory of magnetization induced by rotational motions and its application to chiral phonons”

○Shuichi Murakami (Science Tokyo)
13:40 – 14:20
“Terahertz spintronics for chimera quasiparticles researches”

○Makoto Nakajima (Osaka Univ.)
14:20 – 15:00
“Quasiparticle synthesis using acoustic gyromagnetic effect”

○Yukio Nozaki (Keio Univ.)
15:00 – 15:20
Break (20 min.)
Chair: Hiromi Yuasa (Kyushu Univ.)
15:20 – 16:00
“Progress of chirality-induced spin selectivity”

○Shinji Miwa (Univ. of Tokyo)
16:00 – 16:40
“Phonon Engineering by Chimera with Magnons and Topology ~ Towards Development of Microwave Signal Processing Technology with Hypersonic Circuits ~”

○Daiki Hatanaka (NTT)

The presentations will be given in Japanese.
Audio and/or visual recording is prohibited.