Inaugural Address
Guest Comment
- A Viewpoint of a Researcher on Optics and Magnetism.....M. Kaneko
- Evolution of Electrical Steel Sheet.....T. Kubota
- Production and Reuse of Rare-Earth Magnet Scraps.....K. Machida
- Ballistic Magnetoresistance (BMR) Effect in Nanocontacts.....G. Tatara
- Molecule-Based Magnets Tunable by Means of Supramolecular Chemistry.....T. Ishida and T. Nogami
- Control and Investigation of the Spin Structures of Thin Cr Films.....K. Mibu
Lecture "Generation and Application of High Magnetic Fields II"
- Generation of Static High Magnetic Fields.....M. Motokawa
Contributed Papers
- Impedance Profile of a HFC-Type Magnetic Field Sensor with Inclined Magnetic Domain Walls, and Method of Controlling the Domain Wall Angle.....T. Nakai, H. Abe, S. Yabukami, Y. Yamaguchi, and K. I. Arai
Notice Board
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- Recruitment·Sponsorship·Invitation and Award Message from Committee
- Nominees · Miscellaneous Information
- Symposium & Technical Meeting Report
- Contributing Membership
- Committee Report
Magnetics Society of Japan
- President: Ken-Ichi Arai
- Vice President: Masanori Abe, Masato Sagawa
- Director, General Affairs: Akimitsu Morisako, Kouji Ando
- Director, Treasurer: Kiminari Shinagawa, Kenji Ohmori
- Director, Planning: Hidetoshi Matsuki, Kenjirou Watanabe
- Director, Editing: Migaku Takahashi, Masaaki Futamoto
- Auditor: Ichiro Sasada, Yoshikazu Narimiya