学会誌 第38巻, 3-1号 (2014) 目次

電子ジャーナル URL: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/msjmag/-char/ja/

目  次


  • Development of Dy-Free Hot-Deformed Nd-Fe-B Magnets by Optimizing Chemical Composition and Microstructure…日置敬子,服部 篤,入山恭彦


  • Highly Sensitive Thin Film Sensor Using Coplanar Line …植竹宏明,薮上 信,千葉智章,小澤哲也,鈴木仁志,小林伸聖,荒井賢一
  • Permeability Measurements of Magnetic Thin Film with Microstrip Probe …木村卓文,薮上 信,小澤哲也,宮澤安範,劔重博幸,島田 寛
  • Development of a Wide-range Current Sensor with Regularly Arrayed Magnetic Pieces…渡邊佳正,西沢博志,関 真規人,平位隆史,西浦竜一


  • Control the Functionality of Thermoresponsive Enzymes Immobilized onto Magnetic Nanoparticles by the Application of Alternating Magnetic Field …S. Seino, K. Yoshida, T. Shikakura, K. Watanabe,
    Y. Koga, T. Nakagawa, and T. A. Yamamoto
  • Design of Magnetic Circuit for Radiofrequency Hyperthermia …高橋正樹,中川 貴,清野智史,山本孝夫
